About us

CYLAND is a nonprofit organization founded in 2007 in St. Petersburg by independent artists and curators. For over 12 years, CYLAND has been dedicated to supporting the production of and exhibiting New Media Art both on the Russian and international art scene. We are promoting the emergence of new forms of art and high technology interactions, developing professional connections between artists, curators, engineers and programmers around the world and exposing wide audiences to the works in the field of robotics, video art, sound art and net art. Emerging or established, local or international – selected artists are provided with resources from technicians to equipment and professional development. Over 12 years CYLAND has been organizing The International Media Art Festival CYFEST. 12th CYFEST:ID will be held in November of 2019.

Press Office

Contact: Marcella Russo//Maria Letizia Paiato
Phone: 0039 349 3999037//0039 348 3556821
Mail: press@rp-press.it
Website: http://www.rp-press.it
Facebook page: @russopaiatopress

Contact us

For more information about the exhibition,
please email us at info@cyland.org